
News & Events


Understanding children’s temper tantrums

Sulking or getting angry when they are not satisfied with something are common expressions of preschool children. Those are natural human responses to external influences, helping them control their internal disturbances. Therefore, adults and especially parents should not list the emotions expressed by their children as good or...
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Does spanking really mean love?

It is an undeniable fact that parents always love their children. Many parents, however, tend to express their love for their children in a serious, even a harsh way. There is a saying that goes, “Spare the rod and spoil the child”. Does spanking really bring about love,...
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Good reading tips for parents of children aged under 3 years

Research shows that reading to preschool children is one of the most important things parents should do to prepare for their children’s future reading and learning activities. Reading is a really useful activity that exposes children to the beautiful world of language, grammar and interesting ideas. In particular,...
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