
The Student Council Successfully Organized A Year-End Party Event Called “ESPAZO”

Tuesday, 18/06/2024, 10:06 (GMT)

On the evening of May 31, 202. The student council of Vinschool Grand Park Secondary & High School successfully organized a year-end party event for students in the school called “ESPAZO”.

The event attracted a large number of students to participate with diverse competitions such as dancing, singing, and dancing. In addition, the organizers also invited the participation of many famous artists such as singers Kai Dinh, Thinh Suy and DJ 2pillz… to bring top performances, making the event even more impressive and exciting. featured.

In the “King Queen” contest, the couple Ngoc Han – Minh Ngoc of class 10A4 won after showing off their talent in the dance performance and behavioral competition. This is an opportunity for students to unleash their creativity and show off their talents to their friends.

Through the “ESPAZO” event, Vinschool Grand Park High School’s Student Council not only brings a grand night of fun and entertainment but also creates opportunities for students to interact and connect with each other.

The year-end party “ESPAZO” once again affirmed the role and ability to organize events of the student council of Vinschool Grand Park Secondary & High School.