
The closing ceremony of the academic year 2023-2024 at Vinschool Imperia Kindergarten with enjoyment

Wednesday, 19/06/2024, 16:06 (GMT)

As a beautiful journey for the 2023 – 2024 school year, Vinschool Imperia Kindergarten solemnly held the School Year Closing Ceremony and awarded graduation certificates to Alvin students on May 28 and May 29. The ceremony took place in an extremely warm atmosphere, filled with joy from Vinsers, teachers, and parents.

The program opened with an awe-inspiring and colorful musical performance called “Rainbow – We will rock you mashup” performed by Alvin students and teachers. Strong and graceful dance steps brought a joyful and bustling atmosphere. The warm applause from parents gave more motivation to the children, encouraging them to become more and more confident and shine.

The program was followed by lovely performances from more than 700 students with the special participation of parents and teachers from Vinschool Imperia Kindergarten.  Kitty to Alvin’s students completed their shows very well on the stage. Through this, the young Vinsers have shown their parents the clear progress after a year of studying at Vinschool Kindergarten: the confidence, music appreciation, and ability to orientate space when moving on a large stage,…

After the musical performance, there was a ceremony to award graduation certificates to Alvin students. Children’s bright smiles and joyful eyes while receiving their diplomas added colors to the ceremony. The parents were extremely proud to see the confident, shining steps and lovely words shared by the little Vinsers!

With a solid foundation at this level, teachers hope their children will be confident to conquer many new levels of knowledge when entering the new school year.