
Talkshow “Green Earth”

Monday, 17/06/2024, 15:06 (GMT)

On the morning of May 17, Vinschool Grand Park primary school organized a talk show with the theme “Green Earth” for more than 300 Grade 2 Vinsers to attend.

Throughout the talkshow, students interacted with an expert, parent Vo Cong Toan of class 2B2 – a specialist in the Department of Environmental Resources. Students have learned many valuable lessons, good and useful knowledge about environmental protection. At the same time, children also have the opportunity to ask questions, collect information and raise some issues related to the environment, come up with measures and ideas to contribute to creating a Green – Clean – Beautiful earth.

The Talkshow integrated interdisciplinary knowledge, students applied their own knowledge through lectures in skills and qualities education, Vietnamese, global citizenship, and science. The young experts led their class’ Vinsers in a lively discussion about ways to protect the Earth.

After the expert’s interesting sharing, the children participated in the extremely thrilling game “Trial Puzzle”. Students are divided into groups and compete to answer questions. This is the time to demonstrate the spirit of solidarity, smooth coordination and excellent listening and memorization skills of group members.

The musical performance: “Miracle stained” closed the program and gave all Second Grade students in general and everyone attending the Talkshow in particular a meaningful message: “The Earth is only there is one, we have no other planet to replace it. Let’s join hands to protect the blue planet, protect our own lives and future generations.”

Let’s look back together at the images of the students’ wonderful and meaningful activities through the images below!