
Multicultural Day At Vinschool Smart City

Thursday, 06/06/2024, 11:06 (GMT)

On May 11, 2024, Vinschool Smart City came alive with Multicultural Day, a Global Citizenship Education (GCED) report day for first-grade students with the theme “Diversity.”

With the theme “Diversity,” students learned that each individual can be both similar and different, and these differences contribute to the world’s diversity. Diversity brings many benefits but also some challenges, such as conflicts. To live harmoniously and collaborate for development, people must respect societal diversity and resolve conflicts among people.

Parents and students could experience cultural spaces representing each country, from Australia to Japan, Vietnam to South Korea, etc. Exciting activities such as kangaroo racing, Origami folding, and making conical hats attracted many Vinsers.

Through this subject, students researched global issues and carried out community service projects. This opportunity to gain knowledge and practical experience helped solidify their learning while bridging the gap between classroom education and real-life situations.

The event was not just a regular report day but a milestone to reflect on the journey of first graders exploring the subject. From here, students will form their perspectives and awareness of their roles as Global Citizens.

At the end of the report, Tri Dung’s parent from class 1A1 shared, “I’ve never seen you this confidence before!” Mai Phuong’s and Kieu Anh’s mothers from class 1A5 shared, “The subject is fascinating and meaningful! We are delighted to see the children actively and enthusiastically participating in this event.”