
The mission of Vinschool Central Park is to nurture students to develop their talents and skills to be responsible, success-oriented and compassionate, community minded citizens with exceptional attributes and capabilities who contribute to the ongoing improvement of their local, national and international communities.

Statement of Vinschool Central Park Primary, Secondary and High School –

Vinschool Central Park Kindergarten provides a high-quality education program and meaningful learning experiences to help students build and develop their self-worth to become independent, confident learners and ready for international integration.

Statement of Vinschool Central Park Kindergarten –

Thành tựu

The first inter-level Vinschool cluster from kindergarten to high school in Ho Chi Minh City.



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Implementing learning outcomes standards, emphasizing differentiated teaching and personalized learning to enhance students’ self-learning and research abilities, and creativity.


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Focusing on individualized learning pathways for each student.



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Providing a safe learning environment; nurturing curiosity, exploration, and promoting students’ creativity.







The kindergarten level comprises 5 age groups: Kitty (18 – 24 months), Nemo (25-36 months), Bambi (3-4 years old), Pooh (4-5 years old), Alvin (5-6 years old), with 2 learning pathways: Advanced and Cambridge Advanced.


The educational program is designed based on competency-based education, fostering holistic development balancing physical, intellectual, emotional, character, and social relationships.


The curriculum for students from Kitty to Pooh is based on the framework of the British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) program, ensuring balanced development across 7 learning areas, emphasizing the development of critical thinking skills, stimulating curiosity, multidimensional thinking, and creativity for children.


Alvin students begin the Cambridge Primary Program with English, Mathematics, and Science subjects that are Vietnamese-adapted (for the Advanced program); or are taught directly in English by international teachers (Cambridge program).



Outstanding achievements with 278 national awards and 12 international awards through competitions such as TIMO Math, Kangaroo Math, Coding, arts, music, and sports (academic year 2023 – 2024).


The school implements both Standard and Advanced programs with a comprehensive educational curriculum. Subjects are taught with a student-centered approach, emphasizing differentiated teaching and personalized learning to enhance students’ self-study, research, and creativity.


Developing talents, nurturing passions, and enhancing students’ skills with nearly 60 extracurricular clubs in various fields, diverse projects within and outside the classroom.


Enhancing students’ voices through educational activities, class and school-level talk shows; providing opportunities for students to share and contribute to building a happy school with themes such as “The school in my eyes”, “Fears I haven’t overcome yet”, “Exam season”, etc.

High school


81.6% of students are admitted early to top universities in Vietnam and the world before graduating from high school.


100% of students take the SAT with scores from 1300; 69.86% of students taking AP exams achieve 3/5 (Excellent) or higher; 30% of students achieve A* or A grades in AS-A level exams.


310 awards at city, national, and international competitions for high school students (Academic year 2023-2024).


30.67% of students receive scholarships ranging from 30% to 100% from prestigious universities worldwide such as University of Alberta, University of Toronto, Arizona State University, Denison University, etc.


100% of high school students receive personalized 1-1 academic advising, assistance in subject selection, development of learning pathways, and application guidance for suitable universities. They also receive career counseling and opportunities to participate in internships at relevant companies/organizations aligned with their future career choices.


Central Park Vinser's Voice

Student Nguyen Ky Minh – Class 12A4

Vinschool Central Park High School - Nurturing Your Path to Adulthood.
In English, there is a word derived from Latin that I find deeply resonant, often used to refer to the alma mater of our youth, which we once attended – "Alma mater", literally meaning "nurturing mother". Over the past 7 years, Vinschool Central Park has been such a nurturing mother, offering its wholehearted love and care, contributing to my achievements, helping me discover my academic strengths, and connecting me with peers and teachers who have become lifelong friends. Here, I have grown more confident, delving into the vibrant extracurricular environment, overcoming failures, and thereby achieving even greater successes. The school's commitment to fostering a reading culture encouraged me to co-found the Lectio Reading Society with friends. Through the GATE Center (Vinschool Talent Counseling and Development Center), I have had access to leading experts in History and International Relations. I owe much of who I am today to the nurturing environment provided by Vinschool Central Park – my nurturing mother.

Student Van Tran Linh Chi – Class 9B2

Cherishing the Years of Learning at Beloved Vinschool Central Park.
I have been a part of Vinschool Central Park for 6 years now, and these years of learning have been filled with beautiful memories and valuable knowledge. The school not only offers interesting and diverse lessons but also the enthusiasm of teachers that makes the classroom even more vibrant. The experiential learning trips have also provided me with many interesting lessons, helping me bond more with my classmates and teachers. Additionally, I am a member of the Student Council, where I, along with my peers, organize events such as Halloween, Christmas, Prom, contributing to making each school year special for me and my fellow students. Therefore, each of my 6 years at school has been marked by growth, significance, and memorable experiences.

Student Doan Nguyen Phuong Nhien – Class 7A4

Vinschool Central Park - My Second Home.
To me, Vinschool Central Park is not just an exciting learning environment but also my second home, filled with the affection of teachers and friends for each other. Every day spent here is an enjoyable experience, bringing me countless new knowledge. Moreover, our school organizes many meaningful activities, and Edurun is one of the most impressive ones. This activity demonstrates the unity and strength of the Vinser community. Our "second home" is highly appreciated in every aspect. Here, we receive plenty of love from teachers and peers. This has created many beautiful memories throughout my educational journey.

Student Pham Minh Anh – Class 10A1

What do you need in an educational environment to develop yourself?
Starting my studies at Vinschool since 6th grade, every year has been truly memorable because of the opportunities, experiences, and memories I've gained. Through each lesson, alongside knowledge, I've been honing and enriching skills to become a global citizen, such as presentation skills, communication, teamwork, project management, critical thinking, emotional management, and more. Thanks to the dedication of my teachers, my learning journey has become much more enjoyable and easier. Participating in educational projects or extracurricular activities has provided me with opportunities to learn, meet friends, and accumulate experiences for life. The school always focuses on personal development through numerous activities throughout the academic year. For example, organizing competitions during Book Week or Sport Week, food stalls during Tet Fair, SAP project, Global Issues through the lens of Vinser, Economic forum, etc. Over the past 5 years, I have become more confident and mature, daring to step out of my comfort zone to participate in competitions in various fields (academic, sports, business, etc.). Besides integrating internationally, the school also emphasizes the education of national identity, evidenced by teaching a subject called “Vietnamese Studies” or organizing research projects on Vietnamese culture. More importantly, career orientation is always a priority at Vinschool. In the past academic year, besides career orientation seminars, I also got to explore professions and universities through career days and workshops. Looking back, I can say that Vinschool has been an integral part of my journey to maturity!



The Closing and Graduation Ceremony 2023-2024 at Vinschool Central Park High School

The 2023-2024 academic year at Vinschool Central Park concluded with a spectacular and emotional Closing and Graduation Ceremony. The ceremony was a beautiful blend of nostalgia, filled with glimpses of the past year, the laughter of middle school students, and the heartfelt tears of graduating seniors as they bid farewell to their beloved school. All […]

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Sportweek at Vinschool Central Park High & Middle School

Vinschool Central Park High & Middle School’s Sportweek takes place from May 18 to May 27, 2024. This is the most exciting and most anticipated sports week of the school year for Vinsers. There are many competitions such as football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, high jump, swimming and a very special one being organized for the […]

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The basketball teams Vinschool created miracle at the School Basketball Festival 2024

“For the first time, a school participated in 1 event with 2 basketball teams, in which 1 team that was all 4th graders at the City Basketball tournament, and the special thing was that both teams won the prize,” the organizers of the School Basketball Festival 2024 shared. The two basketball teams Vinschool A (the […]

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Cultural Exchange and Learning Experience Program

Aiming to expand our students’ knowledge and skills, Vinschool Central Park Primary School organized a cultural exchange and learning experience program with students from North View Primary School (NVPS), Singapore, on May 20th and 21st. This program served as a cultural bridge, enabling students from both schools to understand and learn from each other while […]

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Vivokids Challenge at Vinschool Central Park Kindergarten

The Vivokids program, after one year of implementation , has quickly become a favorite of the students. They not only have fun but also learn many basic and advanced motor skills through creative games and combined sports including: football, basketball, tennis, table tennis, rugby and baseball. Under the dedicated and professional training of coaches, students […]

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Actively Participate in Activities Welcoming Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day

Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day is celebrated annually on April 21st to raise awareness of the importance of books and encourage the habit of reading. In that spirit, Vinschool Central Park Middle School has always been proactive in promoting a reading culture in the school, not only helping students gain useful knowledge but also […]

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The 4th Vietnam Learning Seminar in 2024

Vietnam Study Seminar is an annual activity organised by Vinschool education system. It is a useful event to help students confidently show their knowledge and talents. In 2024, the 4th Vietnam Study Conference was organised with the theme ”Vietnamese theatre and cinema in the context of integration and development”, attracting the participation of hundreds of […]

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This morning, June 10, 2024, more than 600 Vinschool students were eagerly present at Central Park Primary Multipurpose Room to welcome the intriguing Summer 2024. The opening ceremony promises a summer with full of joy and useful experiences with Cambridge Immersion, Explore Summer, Kid-Adventure classes and many exhilarating clubs for students. At the beginning of […]

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The project “I Can Read” for Alvin Advanced students at Vinschool Central kindergarten

The “I Can Read” project has been implemented for Alvin Advanced students at Vinschool Central 3 & Park 7 Kindergarten to enhance English practice, help students to apply acquired Phonics knowledge and skills to improve their English reading and writing skills at home. Vinsers have worked very hard to participate in the challenges, accumulate many […]

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The “English Me” project at Vinschool Central Park Kindergarten

The “English Me” project has witnessed progress in improving the English skills of young Vinsers at Vinschool kindergarten. Impressive numbers that the young Vinsers have achieved in the project: Attracting 80% of school students to participate; 62% (reaching 115% compared to the beginning of the school year) of the total number of students have achieved […]

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Facilities and Infrastructure

Secondary & High School

The campus

Vinschool Central Park Kindergarten includes 4 facilities P7 - C3 - Landmark 5 - Landmark Plus, located within the Vinhome Central Park market area, Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, City. Ho Chi Minh.

The classroom

The classroom is invested in modern equipment.

The library

The library is equipped with many rich intellectual educational books, suitable for each age of students, giving children a comfortable reading space and freedom to experience knowledge with friends. Students can choose their favorite books under the guidance and suggestions of the teacher.

The Art Room

The Art Room is fully equipped with musical instruments and basic costumes for children to practice dance/drama and prepare for dressing up in creative arts lessons. This is a place that brings children interesting musical experiences, inspires them, and gives them a passion for music from an early age.

The Sport Complex Room

The spacious Sport Complex Room is where children participate in many different physical games.

The library

The library is equipped with comfortable and modern facilities, such as computer system, internet, reading room, conference room, and relaxation area.

The campus

The campus of Vinschool Central Park Primary is spacious, airy and always green - clean - beautiful, which is an ideal condition for experiential activities outside the classroom.

Swimming pool

Swimming pool at Vinschool Central Park Primary - A place to improve the health and develop the aptitudes for students.

ICT room

ICT rooms with modern equipment are the place for students to explore and develop creativity.

Football Field

Vinschool Central Park Primary Football Field is always open to welcome young players who are passionate about sports.

The campus

The school has a spacious campus with modern facilities.

The Music Room

Music Room with a variety of traditional and modern musical instruments.

The Art Room

The Art Room is fully equipped with painting tools, providing a space for artistic creativity.

The canteen

The canteen is spacious and clean.

Swimming pool

Swimming pool with water treated through two specialized filtration systems.