
The Closing Ceremony and Coming of Age Ceremony For Grade 9 Students

Tuesday, 18/06/2024, 10:06 (GMT)

The 2023-2024 school year has ended with glorious achievements of Vinschool Grand Park teachers and students. At the closing ceremony and coming of age ceremony for grade 9 students, the school, students, teachers and parents reviewed outstanding memories, mentally preparing for a new school year. challenge and opportunity.

Throughout the past year, Vinsers have made tireless efforts, overcoming many difficulties to reap proud achievements. They have won many noble awards at academic, cultural, artistic and sports competitions at City and National levels. Besides, event activities such as: “Art Roundabout” project, Sports Week, Field Trips… have left an indelible mark in the hearts of Vinsers.

In his speech, the school Principal recognized and praised the efforts of teachers and students. At the same time, sharing new visions and goals for the upcoming school year, promising to bring many comprehensive development opportunities for Vinsers. This event is also a coming of age ceremony for 9th grade students, saying goodbye to middle school to start a new level of education and a new journey.

The school would like to sincerely thank the parents for accompanying the school in educating students during the past time. See you students again in the new school year!