
Leadership Day 2024

Tuesday, 18/06/2024, 09:06 (GMT)
Vinschool Grand Park held a special event – Leadership Day. This is a special opportunity for students to show off their talent, creativity, and solidarity by coming up with their own ideas and organizing activities for parents to experience. Not only that, the event is even more meaningful when there is a connection between students and parents, helping to bond the family and school feelings.
During this special festival, the children participated in the following activities:
  • Creative group activities: Students demonstrated excellent leadership and creativity by planning and organizing activities for each station and each subject. From physical games or experiments, fun quizzes to computer-designed activities, each group brings its own color, impressive and attractive.
  • Impressive presentations: Not only stopping at organizing, students also confidently presented to parents and friends about their group’s ideas and implementation process. Furthermore, the presentations not only demonstrated their careful preparation but also showed their great sense of responsibility and leadership ability.

Above all, the presence and enthusiastic participation of parents contributed to the success of the festival. Looking at the proud and happy faces of the parents shows that creating a playground like Leadership Day is very correct and meaningful.
Leadership Day is not only a useful playground but also an opportunity for children to practice leadership skills, teamwork and be more confident in communication. Hopefully, after this event, the students will continue to develop their spirit and abilities to become future leaders.
Thank you teachers, parents and especially the students for creating a wonderful and memorable festival!