
1. Overview:

Global Citizenship Education (GCED) delves into global issues that impact people worldwide. In line with this, the GCED curriculum is structured around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nation. These goals represent pivotal objectives for nations globally to ensure a more sustainable and prosperous future. Students’ engagement in these topics will lay a foundation for their progress through GCED and foster an understanding of their role in addressing global challenges. 

One of the outstanding features of GCED is that it gives learners the opportunity to bridge theoretical knowledge with practical application, generating meaningful impact within society. Through the global issues they have studied and researched, students will collaborate to support communities affected by these challenges. Meeting the tangible needs of the community presents an excellent opportunity for students to actively contribute to shaping a brighter future for all, whilst still in the school environment. 

GCED is dedicated to furnishing learners with the knowledge, skills, and mindset required to become Global Citizens in the contemporary era. Empowered as Global Citizens, students will acquire a holistic comprehension of the world and their pivotal role in tackling pressing global issues. Additionally, students will also have the opportunity to take proactive action and collaborate with like-minded individuals. These Global Citizens will emerge as the youthful trail blazers of Vietnam, fully capable of uniting with others in order to nurture a more equitable, sustainable, and improved world. 

Furthermore, GCED provides learners with a plethora of intrinsic benefits. Students will be encouraged to become lifelong learners, equipped with the capacity for self-directed learning and personal development. Gradually, they will cultivate clear ideals and objectives for life, enabling them to adapt and thrive in an increasingly unpredictable and dynamic world. These skills are indispensable prerequisites for standing alongside others in the globalized world of the 21st century. GCED will empower the younger generation – the Global Citizens – to meet these demands. 


The GCED program is divided into three main stages (Learning – Action – Reflection) seamlessly woven throughout the academic year. The model reflects the program designers’ belief in an optimal learning process, which enables students to understand and recognize their role in global issues, as well as their ability to shape a better future for all. 

Semester 1: Learning 

  • In Semester 1, students will embark on their learning journey by delving into the core thematic areas, laying the groundwork for knowledge acquisition. GCED is integrated across all 12 grades at Vinschool, resulting in the exploration of 12 distinct core themes (derived from the 17 SDGs). These themes are categorized into 4 groups corresponding to the world’s most pressing issues, specifically (1) Humanity, (2) The Planet, (3) Social Equity, and (4) Labor & Consumption.
  • These core themes will be examined and analyzed through 5 different perspectives, representing the diverse viewpoints of a Global Citizen. The 5 perspectives encompass: (1) Global Thinking, (2) Systems Thinking, (3) Critical Thinking, (4) Innovation & Creativity, and (5) Collaboration. These perspectives will serve as essential tools for Global Citizens to develop a comprehensive understanding of global issues from multiple angles.
  • After gaining an understanding of the core themes, students will further explore areas of personal interest through a secondary research project, continuing their initial “Learning” phase. Students are encouraged to formulate their own questions and independently seek answers by synthesizing acquired knowledge and conducting external research.
  • Students will progress from individual research to collaborative group projects by connecting with like-minded peers who share similar interests and a commitment to serving their community. These groups are expected to develop a Project Proposal to guide their actions in Semester 2.

Semester 2: Action – Reflection 

    • In Semester 2, students will engage in the “Action” phase. This phase is dedicated to community service and support based on their knowledge acquired thus far. To ensure the effectiveness of the service, students will cultivate crucial skills, including: 
  • Community Needs Assessment: Ensuring that the project directly addresses the genuine needs of a specific community, thereby providing practical, highly applicable solutions. 
  • Strategic Planning: Ensuring that each group has a detailed plan before taking action, considering all necessary factors to best prepare for the project. 
  • Teamwork and Project Implementation: Transforming acquired knowledge into practical action, contributing to the community and effecting meaningful change. 
  • Subsequently, students will engage in the “Reflection” phase, i.e.reflecting on their experiences throughout the academic year. They will reassess their assumptions and the knowledge they have acquired, drawing meaningful lessons for themselves. These lessons will cultivate a lifelong commitment to learning and continued support for the community in the future. 

Educational Approaches & Classroom Organization

Aligned with the ethos of the Social Sciences and Humanities field, GCED is committed to fostering a proactive and enriching learning environment that nurtures creative thinking. To realize this objective, GCED employs educational methodologies that promote students’ active engagement, transcending conventional paradigms of passive learning. The following delineates the four primary educational approaches within GCED, accompanied by their corresponding organizational structures in the classroom:

  • Phenomenon-based Learning: Emphasizing the analysis of phenomena or global issues from diverse perspectives. Students will delve into the causality and implications of these issues, laying the groundwork for devising pertinent solutions.
  • Inquiry-based Learning: Affording students the opportunity to manifest their individual curiosity through a secondary research project. Tailored to their proficiency and age, students may work independently or receive guidance through each stage, culminating in the presentation of their findings.
  • Service-based Learning: Enabling students to integrate learning with real-world experiences through Action Projects. These projects commence within the classroom (needs assessment, planning), extend beyond the classroom (implementation), and return to the classroom (for reflection and reporting).
  • Learning through Reflection: Mandating students to contemplate their learning and experiences to distill meaningful insights and guide their future endeavors. Reflection occurs through periodic activities such as maintaining a learning journal, or through significant milestones in GCED that prompt students to articulate their learning journey through presentations or written reflections. 

2. Course Objectives:

  • Students will gain an in-depth awareness of pressing global issues, enabling them to form independent perspectives and recognize their role as Global Citizens
  • Students will be able to acknowledge the dynamic nature of global issues and analyze and process complex and ambiguous information on a global scale. This will be achieved through clear, theoretical principles and the utilization of the 5 Perspectives of a Global Citizen (Global Thinking, Systems Thinking, Critical Thinking, Innovation & Creativity, and Collaboration).
  • Students will foster curiosity and enhance their research capabilities to address global and local concerns effectively.
  • Students will be able to apply their acquired knowledge and develop essential action-oriented skills to make meaningful contributions to the community. This marks the initial steps towards shaping a more promising future for society and the world.
  • Students will engage in reflection, experiential learning, and self-improvement, demonstrating the capacity for autonomous personal development and a commitment to honing their creative abilities.