
1. Overview:

Fine Arts, a discipline within the Personal Development domain in Vinschool’s educational programme, is also a form of visual art. The subject embodies a distinct mode of expression, enabling individuals to perceive and reflect upon the world objectively through an aesthetic lens, while also playing a pivotal role in the reconstitution of the world. The Fine Arts curriculum encompasses specialised knowledge and skills designed to broaden observational acumen, foster imagination, cultivate sculpting proficiency, and engender an appreciation of cultural and spiritual values. Consequently, Fine Arts serves to nurture, fortify awareness, and engender values for both individuals and the community. 

The curriculum imparts learners with a comprehensive understanding of Fine Arts as well as the requisite skills and competencies within the discipline.

  • The knowledge and comprehension of Fine Arts are categorised into thematic areas, namely Visual Language, Art History, Visual Arts, and Applied Arts. Knowledge encompasses aesthetic concepts, diverse art genres, materials, art movements, eminent artists, artworks and heritage, cultural context from primitive to contemporary paradigms, and from Vietnam to the world. Knowledge also includes elements of visual composition (composition, colour, lighting, line and shape, etc.) and artistic design principles (balance, contrast, repetition, rhythm, movement, proportion, harmony, etc.), alongside the practical application of Fine Arts across various spheres of life.
  • Fine Arts skills and competencies encompass the ability to observe, perceive and respond to aesthetic and sculptural attributes. The skills are applied in practical contexts to create artworks, thereby fostering creative thinking. Fine Arts capabilities also extend to the synthesis, correlation, and contextualisation of knowledge within individual and societal framework, facilitating the presentation and communication of the significance of artworks. 

With the primary objective of skill development, the pedagogical approach to the Fine Arts programme is oriented towards observation, inquiry, case study research, personal experience and practise. Consequently, students are afforded the opportunity to perceive, select, ideate, apply and innovate, distinctly manifesting their artworks in accordance with the lesson requirements. In general, students engage with Fine Arts with the dual role of appreciators and creators. Moreover, the flexible outcome standards  and assessment modalities within Fine Arts present an opportunity for students to partake in project-based learning and cultivate 21st-century skills, including Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Communication).

2. Course Objectives:

  • Development of Aesthetic Awareness:

Through the Fine Arts course, students will refine essential skills such as observation, synthesis, evaluation, analysis, abstraction, concretisation, and identification of aesthetic characteristics and forms. The process enables students to uncover the relationships between the content and form of objects, fostering a distinctive “perspective” for discerning, feeling and appreciating beauty in art, life, and nature. It also contributes to the development of both general and personal aesthetic perceptions. 

  • Expansion of Imagination and Creative Skills:

Through their study and application of Fine Arts, students will gain valuable experiences that contribute to the development of their sculpting skills, openness to abstract elements, multifaceted perspectives, imagination and visual thinking. The process serves as a catalyst for fostering innovation, nurturing creative thinking, and transcending established boundaries of knowledge and capability. As students’ creative and practical skills mature, they will acquire an effective tool for bringing their creative ideas to life and revealing their emotions throughout their learning journey, professional endeavours, and self-expression. 

  • Cultivation of Identity, Culture, and Societal Awareness:

Fine Arts, a specific form of language, serves as a conduit for the creation of personal meanings and the formation and expression of cultural identities. Students utilise Fine Arts as a vital means to discern and explore themselves, others, and the surrounding world. The study of Fine Arts enables students to cultivate personal growth and social awareness, fostering an appreciation for diverse forms of expression, unique cultural values, and a deep understanding and respect for different communities and cultural backgrounds. This process also fosters students’ self-respect and respect for others, encourages them to attach importance to the harmony and the development of global awareness and multicultural competencies. 

  • Development of Communication, Critique, and Visual Information Processing Skills:

Fine Arts will foster students’ confidence and self-expression by providing them with profound insights into visual, aesthetic, and art history elements, as well as skills in utilising visual tools and media. Students will have opportunities to actively engage in communication, discussion, collaboration, topic research, argumentation, and artwork exhibitions and presentations.