
1. Overview:

  • Chemistry, a branch of Natural Sciences, guides students in exploring nature through hands-on experiments related to the structure of substances at atomic, molecular, simple, or compound levels, the internal changes of matter and the chemical processes that govern transformations when different substances interact.
  • Chemistry seamlessly blends theory with practical experiments, serving as a link between various natural sciences like physics, biology, medicine, and geology. Breakthroughs in Chemistry are closely tied to discoveries in life sciences and physics. The subject plays a pivotal role in everyday life and production, contributing significantly to socio-economic development. Its applications span diverse areas such as materials, energy, medicine, biotechnology, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and so on. 
  • The Chemistry curriculum for grades 11-12 builds on foundational knowledge from the Chemistry component of the Coordinated Sciences program for grades 1-10. It emphasizes a higher academic level, focusing on the core principles of chemical transformations to help students apply their knowledge and skills more effectively in practical scenarios. It also addresses essential life skills for survival, environmental protection, global integration, and the development of global citizenship.
  • The program’s topics are thoughtfully designed, progressing from basic qualitative chemical knowledge to visually descriptive content. It places a strong emphasis on providing students with foundational chemical knowledge about the structure, properties, and applications of simple substances and compounds. The process enables students to explain the nature of chemical transformations.
  • Chemistry offers opportunities for teachers and students to engage in scientific research methods and inquiry through hands-on experiments, facilitating the development of new knowledge aligned with the subject’s learning outcomes.
  • Furthermore, Chemistry plays a crucial role in shaping students’ scientific worldview, fostering essential qualities akin to those of a scientific researcher such as confidence, honesty, and objectivity. It also cultivates within students a profound appreciation for the laws of nature, motivating them to cherish and safeguard the environment in accordance with the sustainable development requirements expected of a global citizen. The subject also contributes to the cultivation and development of students’ self-directed learning skills as well as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.  

2. Course Objectives:

  • Students will acquire thorough knowledge, practical skills, and a general mindset about the components of Chemistry, preparing themselves for higher levels of education.  
  • They will enhance their quality of life by becoming confident individuals capable of navigating the swift changes in the world of chemistry, thanks to their profound understanding of prevalent chemical issues in everyday life.
    • They will exhibit essential attitudes in scientific research as second nature, encompassing:

+ Prioritizing safety in experiments;

+ Ensuring precision and minimizing errors;

+ Maintaining objectivity and fairness in measurements;

+ Respecting experimental results;

+ Exercising attention to consistency when solving chemical problems;

+ Inquiring about obtained results;

+ Differentiating between innovative concepts and established knowledge.

  • They will employ specialized scientific research methods in Chemistry to discover new laws, refine limitations of chemical theories and models; develop analytical skills for evaluating data and drawing conclusions; and hone scientific communication skills, using precise chemical terminology and conventions.
  • They will demonstrate the ability to innovate chemical products or undertake community-oriented chemical projects, such as those aimed at limiting plastic use to protect the environment, addressing river pollution, and creating safe pharmaceuticals from natural sources.