
Skills Workshop On Water Drowning Prevention For Students – Vinschool The Harmony Primary

Tuesday, 16/07/2024, 12:07 (GMT)

Every year, when summer arrives, it’s also a time when many tragic drowning incidents occur, leaving grief for families and communities. Drowning can happen not only in rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes but also at home, schools, workplaces, and other locations. To enhance awareness and skills in preventing drowning among students before summer break, on the afternoon of May 31, 2024, the Physical Education department at Vinschool The Harmony Primary School organized a workshop on water drowning prevention skills for all students across the school.

The workshop was led by experienced physical education teachers with extensive knowledge in rescue and drowning prevention, providing basic knowledge of water safety and rescue skills. Students were instructed on how to recognize signs of drowning and how to respond in emergency situations.

The presenter shares about the current situation and skills for preventing drowning accidents.
The enthusiastic Vinsers eagerly participate in answering questions and expressing their thoughts.
Participating in the question-and-answer session and receiving souvenir gifts from the teachers.

In addition, the workshop also includes practical activities such as simulating rescue situations and equipping students with basic skills in safe swimming.

The practical activities such as simulating rescue situations

Through this workshop, students are not only equipped with knowledge but also gain more confidence in dealing with the risk of drowning, thereby creating a safe and healthy learning environment.