
1000 Parents, Students and Teachers of Vinschool Star City spread the message of Running for Education at EDURUN 2024

Wednesday, 22/05/2024, 17:05 (GMT)

In order to spread the spirit of RUN for HEALTH, for EDUCATION, for COMMUNITY, Vinschool Star City Primary, Middle and High School recently organized the EDURUN 2024 event – an extremely meaningful volunteer sports campaign organized annually by the Vinschool education system.

The event attracted thousands of Vinsers, Parents and Teachers/Staff of Vinschool Star City to participate, improve the spirit of sports, exercise and spread the spirit of volunteerism, joining hands to contribute with golden hearts to the EDURUN charity fund with an amount of more than 55 million VND. All money from the Edurun fund will be used to build schools for poor children in remote areas.

Vinser Trang Cong Quy, class 11A2, shared: “The Edurun 2024 event was very exciting, everyone was enthusiastic and energetic. I feel very excited about this year’s Edurun shirt design because the bright colors represent the true spirit of sport. I also love the Edurun event because this is an opportunity to both help me exercise and contribute to charity and building schools for people in difficult circumstances.”

Let’s admire the beautiful moments in the EDURUN Star City 2024 event!