
Cultural Exchange and Learning Experience Program

Tuesday, 18/06/2024, 15:06 (GMT)

Aiming to expand our students’ knowledge and skills, Vinschool Central Park Primary School organized a cultural exchange and learning experience program with students from North View Primary School (NVPS), Singapore, on May 20th and 21st.

This program served as a cultural bridge, enabling students from both schools to understand and learn from each other while practicing English to enhance their communication and teamwork skills. 

  • The Vinsers, acting as junior guides, confidently led their Singaporean friends on a tour of the school facilities, classrooms, and functional rooms.
  • Students participated together in ESL, Math, and Science classes, engaging in cultural exchanges.

  • Games like ‘Stop the bus’ and ‘Catchphrase’ helped students actively explore the cultures of Vietnam and Singapore.
  • Moreover, by participating in sports activities during Sport Week, students not only improved their health but also developed a deep team spirit. This was the first time NVPS students participated in games like sack racing and tug-of-war, demonstrating great enthusiasm and sportsmanship.

  • A highlight of the program was the discussion on the theme ‘Happy School’. Through a Gallery Walk activity, all students from both schools had the opportunity to share their views and emotions in a natural and humorous way.

The program concluded, profoundly impacting students from both schools and enriching their learning experiences, igniting a passion for understanding different cultures.