
Summer Charity 2024 – Vinschool Golden River

Wednesday, 24/07/2024, 09:07 (GMT)

The annual summer charity event is a deeply meaningful activity, aimed at helping the disadvantaged in society.

On the morning of June 20, 2024, on behalf of the school, a charity delegation consisting of teachers, parents, and primary and secondary students visited and donated 100 gift packages to students, poor households, displaced women, and the elderly in difficult circumstances at the headquarters of neighborhoods 15 & 16, Ward 15, Tan Binh District.


Teachers, parents, and students visited and donated gift packages to students, poor households, displaced women, and the elderly in difficult circumstances

Representatives from Ward 15 and students in difficult circumstances expressed their gratitude to the school. They hope to continue receiving more support and attention from the school in the future.

This charity program provided an opportunity for students to participate in social activities

This charity program also provided an opportunity for primary and secondary students to participate in social activities, gaining a deeper understanding of the meaning of life and appreciating life’s values more.