
Talk Psychology 2022-2023: Vinser shares: “Happiness from tears”

Wednesday, 18/01/2023, 15:01 (GMT+7)

Talk Psychology 2022-2023 is accompanied by the School Academic Office, AP Psychology Program, and School Psychology Office at Vinschool. Each project participating in the forum is a product developed by Vinschool students from extensive psychology research and analysis combined with their own real-life experiences.

“When facing difficulties, I was swept away by the vortex of negativity and lost myself. Somewhere, there was once a Minh Thu searched for happiness in vain. One day I suddenly realized happiness was right within my fears and pains. In the journey to learn about psychology as well as improve my values and heal myself, I have studied, learned, and become inspired to write more on this topic.

In the process of searching for information and writing scripts, I had a lot of problems presenting the content and choosing the most convincing arguments. With so many different data sources on the Internet, I was confused and found it difficult to select and incorporate all this knowledge into my work.

I have learned how to manage time in the preparation of lessons, such as designing slides, writing summaries, and searching for images. The presentations in front of the class also helped me strengthen my spirit and gain more experience to complete the project. When getting feedback from teachers and friends, I recognize my shortcomings and know how to improve them.” Minh Thu shared about her Talk Psychology project.